Thursday, September 28, 2006

Today I just let the words flow ceaselessly, no ‘topic’ on my mind here…its like what the wise have been saying…stay in the moment, focus on it and you will enjoy life a lot more…just trying to incorporate that I guess J

Life is so difficult at times and its then that one learns to enjoy it…right now life is hard, my career is getting a serious start…I’m at that age when I can’t escape and say, “oh, I’ll work later…I’m bored of my job”, not a princess anymore J though I do want to own an empire…so queen’s more like it ;)

Nowhere to run or escape to, this is what makes me feel more grown-up…and when you face shit at work you without thought try to pass it onto others, making it a bad environment for everyone to work in…I stopped myself just in time and corrected that so I’m happy…

The one thing through my struggles I will not give up is the good in me. The person who is an idealist. I won’t stop believing in people and the miracles that they can achieve because if I or you stop doing that and become people who ‘know it all’ then we can’t go too far and we won’t be much fun to hang around with…

Our lives our enriched by people and people are complicated. They cause more troubles than ease at times and yet, life without each other would be bland…so before we complain or put someone down, we should think for a second as to how that person really contributes to anyone or anything…maybe that would make us more tolerable people, people who are sophisticated in a truer sense of the word.

We have forgotten to take a moment before we speak, think or act…life could be a lot worse…remember that, and smile for all the nice things you have in your life Today.


Reeta Skeeter said...


Pritika said...

I already know that mister mcgee :P

Reeta Skeeter said...

y does blazingmcgee has an empty blog??