Monday, February 13, 2006

Look beyond...

post pain...the smiles come easily...
once i surrendered...only to gain

when hurt hurts
and is difficult to bear...

when life's a mess...
one rotten affair.

just look beyond...its difficult...but try...
lift up your head...and cease to cry...

what you're looking for, its right there...
its been there too long...a lost and forgotten treasure,
taken for granted in pursuits of a fragile pleasure.

it is life itself i'm talkin' about...
did you forget that walk in the clouds?

when each day was filled with wonder anew,
when the littlest things brought a smile to your lips...

the times you laughed at my quips.

look at it again, with a fresh perspective...
i'm right here, to walk by side...
your truest love,
i am your soul...

let's be friends again
lets learn to live...
your deepest sorrows haven't been lived in vain.

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